Shotgun Cinema started as a film presenter in search of a venue, and we have continued that way as we roll deeper into 2017. This situation has forced us to be resourceful and creative with how we present films, and we’ve worked to build the identity of our organization using our mobility as a positive attribute. Now we’re working to expand the circle, and we’re very excited this week to launch Big Screen, our new program presenting educational screenings at schools throughout New Orleans.
For young people, cinema can be a particularly transformative artistic and social experience. Because filmgoing occupies a place in both “high” and “low” culture, in both public and private experience, cinema can inspire young viewers in unique ways. Many of our colleagues and friends recall moments, films, and screenings that made them newly aware of the world around them, and of the power of storytelling. It’s central to our mission to increase access to this kind of experience, so without a place to bring people in, we’ve modified our mobile cinema setup to be able to take into schools and smaller rooms without sacrificing presentation quality.
Our first partner is Bard Early College New Orleans (BECNO), which challenges its students (who can be described as academically advanced and economically disadvantaged) with a broad array of academic and critical perspectives. We’ll be showing work by five fantastic local filmmakers – Angela Tucker, Lily Keber, Lauren Domino, Zac Manuel, and Garrett Bradley – with all in attendance to discuss their work. BECNO students have taken this idea and run with it, so in addition to the films, the students will lead a seminar based on their semester theme: Using Research Methods to Create Impactful Art.
We must acknowledge the many filmmakers and educators working hard in our city to engage and inspire, and we look forward to our Big Screen program adding another voice to that chorus. (TB)
Still from Lily Keber’s upcoming documentary, Buckjumping.