After a quiet spring of venue hunting, we are excited to announce our upcoming screenings this summer and fall. We’ve got a mix of new independent work and avant-garde repertory films on tap, with many of these titles projected on film!
First off, we’re thrilled to present – over two nights – the New Orleans premiere of Tickled, a documentary by David Farrier and Dylan Reeve. When New Zealand journalist Farrier stumbles onto online videos of competitive endurance tickling, the most bizarre “sport” he’s ever seen, he knows he has to get the story. But he quickly discovers that there’s a dark side to the mysterious consortium that administers it – one full of secrecy, intimidation, and very real physical and legal threats. Despite Ferrer’s plucky and unflappable humor, the story unfolds almost like a thriller, with the tickling cartel seemingly growing bigger and more menacing at every turn. We can’t wait to bring you this laugh-out-loud documentary.
The rest of our summer will be spent on 16mm, as Full Aperture continues in the cozy gallery at the New Orleans Photo Alliance (1111 St. Mary). Full Aperture is our program highlighting experimental and artist films, and this is its first full season. We begin at the beginning on Saturday, June 18, with a trio of early U.S. avant-garde films that are essential viewing, often discussed, but rarely seen: Joseph Cornell’s Rose Hobart (1936), Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon (1943), and Robert Frank & Alfred Leslie’sPull My Daisy (1959). All on 16mm! We’re so grateful to be working with the New Orleans Photo Alliance on this program.
Full Aperture continues with musical animations of Oskar Fischinger and Jodie Mack on July 16; Jack Smith’s Flaming Creatures and other proto-queer films on August 20; films by lo-fi master George Kuchar on September 17; and a selection of work from up-and-coming Paris-based Brazilian filmmaker Ana Vaz. We’ll be writing more in-depth blog posts about each screening as each screening approaches.
The 2016 True Orleans Film Festival will take place on September 9-11, 2016, on one screen in the Broad Theater. Once again, we will zero in on innovative nonfiction storytelling with a full slate of documentary films, radio pieces, panels, and a Bring Your Own appearance. You’ll get plenty more info on that in the coming months.